Monday 17 March 2014




* A Fast Clustering- Based Feature Subset Selection Algorithm for High-
* A Generalized Flow based Method for Analysis of Implicit Relationships on
* A Proxy based Approach to Continuous Location based Spatial Queries in
* A Scalable Server Architecture for Mobile Presence Services in Social
* AML Efficient Approximate Membership Localization within a Web- Based Join
* Analysis of Distance based Location Management in Wireless Communication
* Anonymization of Centralized and Distributed Social Networks by Sequential
* CloudFTP: A Case Study of Migrating Traditional Applications to the Cloud
* Crowd sourced Trace Similarity with Smartphones
* Discovery and Verification of Neighbor Positions in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

* Distributed Web Systems Performance Forecasting using Turning Bands Method

* Dynamic Personalized Recommendation on Sparse Data
* Evaluating Data Reliability An Evidential Answer with Application to a Web
* Exploiting Ubiquitous Data Collection for Mobile users in Wireless Sensor
* Finding Rare Classes Active Learning with Generative and Discriminative
* Ranking on Data Manifold with Sink Points
* Region based Foldings in Process Discovery
* Research in Progress - Defending Android Smartphones from Malware Attacks
* Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing
* Secure Encounter based Mobile Social Networks: Requirements, Designs, and
* Security Analysis of a Single Sign - On Mechanism for Distributed Computer
* SPOC: A Secure and Privacy-Preserving Opportunistic Computing Framework for
* SSD A Robust RF Location Fingerprint Addressing Mobile Devices’
* Target Tracking and Mobile Sensor Navigation in Wireless Sensor Networks
* T-Drive: Enhancing Driving Directions with Taxi Drivers’ Intelligence
* Toward Privacy Preserving and Collusion Resistance in a Location Proof

  • A Privacy-Preserving Location Monitoring System for Wireless Sensor Networks - 2011
  • Authentication Schemes for Session Passwords using Color and Images - 2011
  • Cloud Computing for Agent-Based Urban Transportation Systems - 2011
  • Clustering
  • Dimensional Data
  • Dynamic Audit Services for Integrity Verification of Outsourced Storages in Clouds - 2011
  • Effective Navigation of Query Results Based on Concept Hierarchies - 2011
  • Enabled Data Warehouse
  • Framework
  • Going Back and Forth: Efficient Multideployment and Multisnapshotting on Clouds - 2011
  • Heterogeneity
  • Learning Semi-Riemannian Metrics for Semisupervised Feature Extraction - 2011
  • Live Streaming with Receiver-based Peer-division Multiplexing - 2011
  • Locating Equivalent Servants over P2P Networks - 2011
  • Mobile Environments
  • Mobile-Healthcare Emergency
  • Modeling and Detection of Camouflaging Worm - 2011
  • Models
  • Monitoring Service Systems from a Language-Action Perspective - 2011
  • Network Applications
  • Networks
  • Nymble: Blocking Misbehaving Users in Anonymizing Networks - 2011
  • Optimal Stochastic Location Updates in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - 2011
  • Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing - 2011
  • Service-Centric Framework for a Digital Government Application - 2011

Android Based- Cloud Computing Applications

1.  MCC-OSGi: An OSGi-based mobile cloud service model
2.  An OpenMP Compiler for Efficient Use of Distributed Scratchpad Memory in MPSoCs
3.  Daily life activity tracking application for smart homes using android smartphone
4.  An implicit cloud computing provider for mobile devices based on SAAS
5.  Cloud to Device Push Messaging on Android

Android Based- Wifi and Network Applications

  • Mobile Phone-To-Phone Personal Context Sharing
  • Android server for data transform over the Wi-Fi.
  • Online music player.
  • FTP4Android

Android Based- Embedded System Applications

  • Model and implementation of robotic arm using Android
  • Office Automation based on Android
  • Development of Android robot helicopter using Accelerometer Sensors
  • Development of Android robot car using Accelerometer Sensors)
  • Development of an Human andro system
  • Humanoid robot control by using ANDROID with GPRS technology
  • A smart home using Bluetooth
  • Mobile Electronic Program Guide

Android Based- GPS, GSM, Blue-tooth and GPRS Applications
  • Bluetooth Chating on Android
  • Secure Location finder based on Device positioning using GPS
  • An Efficient Approach for Mobile Asset Tracking Using Contexts
  • Mobile Location Alarm
  • Mobile Travel Guide – Smart way to Travel
  • Child tracking system on  android phone by using Bluetooth, GSM, GPS and finger scanner
  • Industrial Automation  on  android phone by using Bluetooth, GPRS GPS
  • Vehicle tracking or asset tracking system on android phone by using Bluetooth, GSM, GPRS and RFID device.
  • Vehicle automation system android phone by using CAN, Bluetooth, GSM,GPS and finger scanner
  • Vehicle theft control system android phone by using Bluetooth, GSM, GPS and finger scanner
  • Irrigation control system android phone by using Bluetooth, GSM, and GPS for farmers for efficient use of water, power and crop planning.
  •  Child tracking system on  android phone by using Bluetooth, GSM, GPS and finger scanner
  • Remote billing and control system for warehouses in asset tracking and theft control using android phone by using Bluetooth,GSM,GPRS and RFID device
  • Friend Mapper on Mobiles - Friend Locator
  • Physical object tracking for android.
  • Voice based content search from android phone.

Android based GPS speeder.

  • Mobile theft recovery
  • Bus Tracking.
  • Public Safety.
  • Campus Navigation.
  • Wedjat: A Mobile Phone Based Medicine In-take Reminder and Monitor
  • Android on Mobile Devices: An Energy Perspective.
  • Location tracking using Sms Based on Android Mobile.
  • Location based wireless manager for android phone
  • Android based online traffic update system.
  • GPS based outdoor tracking system.
  • Research on Mobile Location Service Design Based on Android.
  • On Design of Mobile Agent Based Location Service for Geographic Routing
  • Personal information guide - a platform with location based service for mobile powered e-commerce.
  • Constructing an intelligent travel information platform based on Location Base Service.
  • Mitter – Bitter Monitoring System Using Android Smartphone’s
  • Design and Implementation of Location-Based SNS Smartphone Application for the Disabled Population
  • A spoken dialogue smartphone application for “text and walk/drive”

Android Based- RFID Applications

1. RFID Museum.
2.Voice based self tourist guiding system in the historical places, museums, exihibitions etc.using RFID on android platform.

Android Based- Database Applications

1.Microcredit Banking
2. Pedometer an Android App
3. Mobile Travel Guide – Smart way to Travel
4. Smart complaint registration for Govt bodies
5. Micro Credit Banking On Smartphone

Android Based- Camera and Sensor Applications

1. An analysis of vibration sensors for smartphone applications using camera
2.Android phone based Drunk and drive detection
3.Smartphone-based applications for investigating falls and mobility

Android Based- Medical Applications

1.   Work in progress — A smartphone application as a teaching tool in undergraduate nursing education
2. A smartphone application of alcohol resilience treatment for behavioral self-control training
3. Planning and Development of an Electronic Health Record Client Based on the Android Platform

Android Based- Surveillance Applications

  • Implementation of Smart Video Surveillance System for Capturing photos using Android based Phones with SMS notification (IEEE 2012)
  • On the Use of Mobile Phones for accessing confidential Web Services (IEEE 2012).

Android Based- web Mining Smart phone Applications

1.A Structure for unique M-Commerce model Mining and  evaluation (IEEE 2012).

Android Based- Image Processing Applications

1.      Android Screen Capturing and Converting

2.      Energy and latency impact of outsourcing decisions in mobile image processing.


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