Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Project Report /Project Synopsis

Project Report /Project Synopsis

The objective of having a Project is to give an opportunity to the students to learn various management practices which are actually practiced by top managers and executives, management systems like level of hierarchy, communication strategy & pattern, importance of inter-personal relations and organizational complexity. To facilitate students get to know the industrial / corporate environment and most importantly they get an insight what corporate would expect when they will join their jobs in actual. This is to be achieved through substantial contribution of knowledge acquired by integration of theory and practice pertinent to the understanding and resolution of scenario or problem at hand, science of collecting data, analysis construction and deployment of most appropriate solution. The Project Report should demonstrate your competence in handling a sub set of real business problem and engineering your various skills. It is pertinent to note that the Project Report represents a visible concrete output and would stand as testimony of the student's demonstrated managerial skills


Selection of Project / Seminar TopicsArrangement of Contents of Project / Seminar Report: 

The project can be selected in various ways like
Select a company / organization / institute concerned
Discuss with concerned persons, your specific requirements and select the subject/topic in their consultation.
Discuss with your faculty concerned, before making a choice of your subject/topic.
Consult experts in the field to make a right choice of the subject.
Study various articles / news items etc. appearing in dailies, weekly, monthly magazines to look for a desired topic.
Discussions with the relevant firm may help select a proper topic.
A critical eye can help you spot the right topic for your project.

The sequence in which the project report should be arranged and bound is as follows:
1.      Cover Page & Title
2.      Project Guide
3.      Certificate
4.      Abstract
5.      Acknowledgement
6.      Keywords
7.      Introduction
8.      Problem-Definition
9.      problem Solving Methodology
10.  Standards used
11.  Test & Evaluation
12.  Future Scope
13.  Conclusion
14.  References(in IEEE format)

  Seminar Report/Seminar Presentation Objective

Oral presentation is an important aspect of engineering and Management education. The objective of the seminar is to prepare the student for a systematic and independent study of the state of the art topics in a broad area of his / her specialization. Project Seminar serves as an aid to get acquainted thoroughly with the broad area of the student’s final year project work and serves as necessary groundwork for the successful carrying out of the project work.
Project seminar is to help the students to select the broad area for final year project, place of work, and to decide the approach and methodology of project work. So, Project Seminar topics need to be chosen by the students with advice and approval from the faculty members/industry personal who are going to guide their final project work.
Students are to be exposed to the following aspects of a seminar presentation.
· Literature Survey
· Organization of the material
· Presentation of OHP slides / PC presentation
· Technical writing
· Active involvement in every seminar
Assess the debating capability of the student to present a technical topic. Also to impart training to a student to face audience and present his ideas and thus creating in him self esteem and courage that are essential for an engineer or Manager.

Summer Industrial Report / Summer Internship Training Objective

Definition of Industrial Training
Industrial Training refers to a program which aims to provide supervised practical training within a specified time frame. This training can be carried out either in government organisations or in the private sector
The main aim of the Industrial Training program is to produce graduates who are ready to face the working world. The program also aims to produce the knowledgeable, skilled and experienced graduates, demanded by employers, who are able to apply the knowledge acquired at university to the working world. The Industrial Training program provides opportunities for exposure to the working world, which will make graduates more aware of the hopes and expectations that industry has of them. The program will also equip students with real work experience. Placing students in industry also increases their chances of employment after graduation, as there is a strong possibility that they will be offered a job in the same place where they do their training. Apart from this, the training experience will further solidify the on-campus learning process and activities, while also providing students with relevant work experience
 Briefly, the Industrial Training program has six (6) main objectives:

To give students the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired in a real-life work situation.
To provide students with opportunities for practical, hands-on learning from practitioners in the students’ field of study.
To give students work experience while they are studying their chosen subject.
To expose students to the work environment, common practices, employment opportunities and work ethics in the relevant field.
To inculcate soft skills relevant to the needs of employers.
To provide opportunities for students to be offered jobs in the same organisations where they undergo Industrial Training

Learning Outcomes

At the end of Industrial Training, students will be able to:
improve their knowledge and skills relevant to their area of study
relate the knowledge and skills acquired at the workplace, to their on-campus studies
compete effectively in the job market, because they have been equipped with the requisite knowledge, skills, attitudes and practical experience

Duration of Industrial Training

Duration of the Industrial Training program depends on the requirements of the program of study. Ideally, it should last from two to six months

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